Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Learning together about integration! BHP BOOK GROUP—March meeting highlights!

By: Heather Borski

In early March, we had our first book group meeting to foster learning and discussion about integration.

Our first article was:
Recommendation for Integration of Chronic Disease Programs: Are Your Programs Linked?

If you haven’t read it yet, I highly encourage you to take a moment to do so. It provides an excellent overview of integration.

I offer my thanks to the BHP staff members who attended. It was an interesting and productive talk!

My top five highlights from the discussion include:

1. Integration MUST happen with the goal of improving health outcomes, not just to “integrate.”

2. We need to determine the indicators of integration and makes sure we measure progress and outcomes.

3. Finding a balance between “integration” and “categorical identity” can be challenging, especially when funding and bureaucratic systems favor “categorical identify.”

4. Is it time for the BHP cross-cutting workgroups to evolve? Is it time to move from idea sharing to higher level policy development and strategic planning?

5. How do we bring local health districts along with us in integration? Can we be doing more to integrate contracts and related work? Integrate progress reporting? Integrate training opportunities?

If you were at the meeting, what are your highlights?

If you’ve read the article, but weren’t able to attend the meeting, what are your thoughts?

Do you have input on the rhetorical questions that came up (noted in points 4 and 5, above)? Click on “Comments” below to contribute to the discussion!