Monday, August 9, 2010

Integration Highlight: Getting to the Butt of the Problem

The Utah Cancer Control the Tobacco Prevention and Control Program integrated to get the word out about evidence-based social marketing campaigns. They co-presented at the Utah Public Health Association Conference in May. Both programs shared success stories and lessons learned in a presentation titled, “Successfully Reaching Your Target Audience: Getting to the Butt of the Problem."

Whitney Johnson discussed the UCCP's colorectal cancer screening program. They recruited the daughter of well-known Utah outdoorsman Doug Miller to tell the tale of how colon cancer is preventable. Everybody over the age of 50 should be screened for colon cancer. She shared focus group data that helped them identify barriers to colorectal screenings, then utilized that data to fine tune their advertisements resulting in a steady increase in colorectal screenings above the national average.
David Neville and Sarah Mangone exposed the tactics and products of tobacco companies that market to adults and especially young children with emerging products. They shared information about the Tobacco Prevention and Control Program's counter-campaign that integrated grassroots efforts, public relations, and advocacy to successfully make Utahns aware of these new products, angry with tobacco companies for their underhanded tactics, and ready to act to protect their kids and our community.

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